hello, dolly!

“…“Hello, Dolly!,” the 1964 Jerry Herman and Michael Stewart musical based on Thornton Wilder’s “The Matchmaker,” is a human story. That, along with some exceptionally witty and nuanced choreography from Jones, is the strength of this production, a much simpler affair than the epic recent Broadway revival starring Bette Midler that had more scenery than Dolly has business cards. Kettenring, a generous performer, does not approach the role as just desserts for a diva of the musical stage, which is how the part often is seen, but imagines a character whose sociability clearly is something of a cover for a widow’s loneliness.”
- Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune
“Chicagoland has a wonderful, carefree musical comedy that’s practically perfect in every way. Audiences coming to the theatre may be laden with problems and and predicaments. But in this show they can find a tuneful respite to their troubles. It’s a musical comedy that’s guaranteed to bring a smile to every theatergoer’s face, while setting their feet a-tapping. Denis Jones’ opulent, production overflows with talent, humor, color, spectacle and a leading lady who was born to play Dolly, Jerry Herman’s happiest musical.”
- Karen Topham, Chicago On Stage
“Jones’ direction and choreography is nothing short of vibrant. He is able to bring out the fun in even the poorest-drawn characters […] Jones, who shows himself as adept at quieter choreography as he is in the chaotically joyful “Waiters’ Gallop” and the beautiful “Dancing,” treats us to an Act Two-opening “Elegance” that is both wistful and charming, as well as to the brilliant and subtle movement of “I Put My Hand In” and the emotional power of “Before the Parade Passes By” (which takes advantage of Kettenring’s passionate performance).
- Karen Topham, Chicago On Stage